Modern strategies for headhunting

Modern recruiting techniques are a hot topic nowadays as also the emerging strategies that companies can use to find the best talent to fill their open positions. With the continued advancement of technology, there are new strategies that recruiters can use. In this article, Andrea Ibarra, Senior Associate and Headhunting University (AMC project) Lead at MBI Talent Group, who has more than 10 years of experience in HR roles, shares some insights, experiences and projections in this activity.

Recruiters are employing new strategies to get the best candidates for all their clients. Modern recruiting strategies are adaptations of more traditional recruiting processes. AI, social media, and marketing have made the candidate sourcing process more accessible.

According to the official definition, Headhunting “is a recruitment strategy that allows hiring managers and recruiters to target talented potential candidates”. It is one of the preferred techniques of recruitment to attract top talent to any kind of company. With headhunting, it is possible to access C-level professionals that will lead and transform small and large companies, including unicorns.

For Andrea Ibarra, the key to success in a project is to have the ability to understand the client in different areas: Cultural fit, which kind of profiles they need and most importantly to empathize with them and their needs.. You also need to be committed as a recruiter to avoid frustration throughout the process.

Technological tools for recruitment:

In the past, recruitment techniques were different, but nowadays. and thanks to technological advances, they can be carried out in different ways, for example:

Artificial Intelligence. It can be useful s for  mass recruiting as it is based on information, which classifies and chooses the candidates that meet HR requirements. For higher positions, the search is specialized and a human process is needed from the beginning.

Social Networks. Through certain platforms you can share positions from anywhere and in a simple way. However,it does not apply to all positions.

Technologies and tools. Some instant communication applications help to speed up the process and have the immediacy of response. Many recruiters don’t use it for fear of being “too informal”, but with a good strategy such as separating the personal from the work, it is a very useful tool.

One of the biggest updates in this area has been the tools that have helped efficiency and proximity to each other.

Artificial Intelligence has been one of the modern strategies for headhunters that has caused the most controversy. Since for many experts, it does not have the same capacity as a human to attract people and for others, it is the new technology that has come to be a breakthrough in the world of Human Resources.

The main reason not to use IA for recruiting is that it is not enough to have access to attract a candidate to your job profile. You have to offer details that will excite the candidate.

Effective headhunting methods

Here are some tips on effective headhunting methods, according to Andrea Ibarra:

Prepare a clear job description: Don’t let there be any doubts from the first session.

Try to poach employees by connecting with similar companies: Many times the ideal candidate is already placed in another position and it is the headhunter’s job to find them.

Create an impeccable headhunting pitch: A good motivational talk and job description will make the person feel attracted.

As a final comment and on a personal note, Andrea Ibarra hopes that the headhunter becomes a strategic partner of their clients. In addition, they can truly assume an increasingly participative role, because they will add value , with the passage of technology.

Successful headhunting is only achieved when it is used properly and effectively. Making each target feel that you are offering them a wonderful and appropriate opportunity is the way to succeed.


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