Talking about Pride with Brayan Lanaro

Talking about LGBT+ Pride can be a controversial topic for many people, but not for us.

In this article, Brayan Lanaro, who is part of the community and a Financial & Talent Consultant at MBI Talent Group,  tells us a little about himself, his experiences, ideas, and worldview.

In Brazil, LGBTQ people are disproportionately harassed and victimized by just being who they are. One reason is the deep strain of social conservatism in Brazilian society. Over the past ten years, Brazil’s LGBT population secured several civil rights victories in the courts, including same-sex marriage in 2013 and legal transgender name and gender changes in 2018.

To talk more about this topic, the situation of the country, and his interests, Brayan Lanaro shared the following info with us.

“I guess the most important thing is to do what you want to do, not caring about what people have to say, and we don’t know what comes tomorrow”

 — Brayan Lanaro.

How would you define yourself?

Brayan: A way too emotional person, although it doesn’t seem. Very communicative and a good listener as well. I like helping people to deal with life stuff.

What does “Pride” mean to you?

Brayan: To be sincere, means to be me, without fear and not caring about what people say.

What is the biggest or most common misconception about Pride?

Brayan:  People say that Pride shouldn’t be Pride. Because of that, everybody should be proud of themselves.

According to, Brazil’s LGBTQ community has faced a lot of violence during the last few years. What do you wish the public knew about LGBTQ+ challenges in Brazil?

Brayan: There are about 193 countries in the world and Brazil is on a list of 12 countries where people from LGBT community must die. Having said that, I could say it’s not been easy to be dealing with several kinds of discrimination and crimes around Brazil. For example, I can affirm that when someone is black, gay/lesbian, it becomes harder to get a job, or worst, when it’s a black trans person… However, since 2019 LGBTPHOBIA has become a crime according to a determination harnessed a Racism Law. So, basically, every kind of discrimination referring to race, color ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation, and gender identity fits in this law against racism.

In Brayans’ opinion, Brazilians do not usually fear being persecuted in their home country for their sexual and/or gender identity.

Do you think there is a difference between your country and others in LGBT+ issues?

Brayan:  There are many differences. We don’t live in a paradise, but I say that it can always get worse, for example in the Middle West or Asia. A lot of countries chase and kill people just because of their sexual orientation. I’m not saying Brazil is way better for LGBT lives, nevertheless, considering that there are countries that have the freedom to kill people just because they’re not following an inserted pattern, Brazil is a paradise compared.

“And people think we choose to live like that, not like this. That happens. Most of us are born with that inside of us. And people do not understand that and think it’s some sort of disease. There was a time in Brazil’s government that was trying to create a law that could beat the LGBT community as a disease”

Do you think that even this year people don’t accept everyone, why?

Brayan: I usually say that people who do not accept us do not accept themselves. That’s why all the anger.

How can people show their support as LGBTQ+ allies?

Brayan: Principle, showing respect. We don’t need people to feel sorry for us. We require space to be able to speak.

Which are the benefits of creating more inclusive workplaces?

Brayan: People can feel safe and respected and as a consequence, they’ll make the work worthwhile and then, bring income.

What should managers and colleagues do to make everyone feel included?

Brayan: Sessions of culture where it could be discussed, like diversity, equity, and wellness. I think companies should bring those kinds of discussions. So people from different communities can be comfortable in that place. 

Brayan also shared with us some advice for people looking for an opportunity in an inclusive company.

Brayan: Do not let yourself fear what will happen. We do not deserve to go through bad issues inside work and pretend not to be ourselves just to satisfy arrogant and overbearing people. We need to be recognized for what we are able to do. Furthermore, we must not accept less.

Could you tell us about your role in MBI Talent Group?

Brayan: I’m a Financial Consultant based in Brazil. I deal with everything regarding charging customers and taxes calculation. I’m also a Tech Recruiter working in Brazil and Colombia right now.

What do you like most about being in MBI Talent Group?

Brayan:  The best part is that I’m a normal employee. And I feel awesome, knowing I can be myself without fearing the company or even sharing a fault of myself.

Is there any difference between the person who joined and the person you are right now? Not only professionally, but also personally.

Brayan: Many things have changed since I joined the group. Nowadays, I feel more confident and know how to make decisions. In the past, taking decisions was one of my fears. So yeah, since I joined, I learned how to do it. So it’s been one year since I joined MBI, and I feel so proud.

And I feel confident now that I have a job where I can help my parents at home. I’m about to finish college as well.

Personally, Brayan shared his hobbies with us:

“I love singing, love the piano, bought a piano, and started learning how to play it. I love Alicia Keys, Adele, and well, I’m a professional makeup artist”

About the makeup, he shared with us his experience doing tutorials.

Brayan: Yeah. I’ve done it once and shared it on Instagram. It takes a lot of time; the first shot took me 9 hours. So I need the whole day to do my makeup and start shooting and doing something else. The next ones took me about four to ten hours to do all.

To talk about Pride is not only about freedom, it has to do with the person, their interests, and what makes them unique. Respect is earned not for their preferences but for who they are

Companies currently use the LGBT+ flag for marketing purposes, in Brayan’s opinion, it has to be always carried out and not just one month, to show that they respect and support the community from the heart and not for advertising purposes ????.


“Your judgments about another person say more about your character than the character of the person you’re pointing your finger” — Alaric Hutchinson

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